The Paranormal and Cryptid Existence Research Society (P.A.C.E.R.S.)

P.A.C.E.R.S. Team's Equipment:

Mini DV Camcorders with night vision

We use MiniDV camcorders with night vision capabilities
so we can record possible apparitions, shadows, light anomalies
etc. in total darkness and so we can see where we are going at night.

Ovilus X

This is the last version of the Ovilus that Bill Chappel is making so we had to get one. It allows spirits to form words or even full sentences. It has a dictionary mode and phonetic mode. It also has a white noise generator and an EM pump.

Digital Text Display
for the Ovilus X

Sometimes the Ovilus can be hard to understand, now we can know for sure what the Ovilus says.

Digital Camera

The still-shot camera to snap quick pictures of possible mists, shadows
and apparitions. It is also used to survey the area of investigation in
case there has been objects moved out of place when no one was around.

Digital Voice Recorders

The digital voice recorders are used to capture disembodied
voices and possible EVP's. EVP's are electronic voice
phenomenon which are sounds and voice captured on audio
that no one around heard with their own ears. EVP's are
normally on a different frequency than what humans can
hear or speak.

Mel Meter

This device measures EMF or electromagnetic field
and the temperature in the area simultaneously.
Spirits are said to give off high EMF readings when
they are present. They are also said to drop the
temperature in the air when they pull energy to try
and manifest.

K-II Meter

The K-II meter also detects EMF levels and is said
to be an easy way to communicate with spirits.

Shack Hack "Spirit Box"

This device is a modified AM/FM radio that
constantly scans the AM frequency field
and is supposed to allow spirits to form words
to communicate much easier.

IR Illuminators

We use IR illuminators to expand the range
that our miniDV camcorders can see in the
dark to allow for better visibility.


Laser Grid

The laser grid pen is used to project
a bright green grid across a wall to help
detect shadow figures much easier.

Mini DV Camcorders (no night vision)

This miniDV camcorder is used to record
any evidence that may occur with the
laser grid pen. We use a camcorder without
night vision to make the laser grid much
easier to see. This camcorder is also used
for interviews with the clients and witnesses.

Walkie Talkies

The walkie talkies are used so that we
can communicate with each other from
farther distances without having to


Flashlights are used to help light the way.
We also use the flashlight test from time
to time as a way for spirits to communicate.

Equipment we are looking into buying soon:

8 Camera DVR System

The 8 camera DVR system is used to cover
 more of the investigation site without
human  contamination.

RT-EVP Recorder

The RT-EVP recorder allows you to
record and listen to your audio
simultaneously. This allows you to
hear an EVP as your recording it
so can almost have a conversation
with an entity.

Thermal Camera

The thermal camera is used to pick up
cold spots and entities. It can detect
slight changes in temperature and
displays this on an lcd viewfinder.

Full Spectrum Digital Camera

The full spectrum digital camera is used
to take pictures that can see into not only
the visible and ir colors of the light spectrum
but also in the uv side of the spectrum.

Full Spectrum Camcorder

Just like the full spectrum digital camera,
the full spectrum camcorder can see into
the entire light spectrum only this records
high quality video instead of taking still
shot photos.


The geophone detects even the
slightest vibration on whatever
surface it is placed on. The lights
on top light up according to the
intensity of the vibration.